Bidang Lomba yang dilaksanakan pada LKS Tingkat Nasional 2011 adalah sbb : (klik pada tulisan untuk mendownload kisi-kisi soal)
- Autobody Repair
- Automobile Technology
- Industrial Control
- Chemistry
- Mobile Robotic
- Mould Making
- Pattern Making
- Refrigeration
- Welding
- CNC Milling
- Production Machine
- Electrical Installation
- Bricklaying
- Joinery
- Plumbing and Heating
- Cabinet Making
- Wall and Floor_Tilling
- Printing
- Graphic Design Technology
- IT – Software Application
- CADD Building
- Mechatronics
- IT – Networking Support
- Web Design
- Animation
- Telecomm Distribution Technology
- Electronic Application
- Confectioner
- Restaurant Service
- Jasa Boga – Cooking
- Tata Busana – Ladies Dressmaking
- Ladies and Mens Hairdressing
- Beauty Therapy
- Akomodasi Perhotelan
- Tourist Industry – UJP
- Caring
- Secretary
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Nautica
- Post Harvest Technology
- Fishery
- Agronomy
- Lifestock
- Kria Kayu – Wood Craft
- Kria Kulit – Leather Craft
- Kria Logam – Jewellery
- Kria Tekstil – Textile
- Kria Keramik – Ceramics
trima kasih, ada yang kisi tahun 2013
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contoh soal teori untuk agronomy ada???